Thursday, January 29, 2009

Digging out from snow

We've had over 12 inches of snow and have been digging out today. Several trees are down. A neighbor saw we were having trouble getting out and came back with his tractor that had a snow blade attached. He did the whole drive for us and won't take anything. It's so good to know there are still people who help others out of pure goodness. We have a great group of neighbors out here in rural S. Indiana.

Bunnies are all doing fine. I'm hoping for litters from 3 Satin Angora does, a French angora and a black 83% German doe x REW Giant Buck. It will be several weeks but it's hard to wait. Baby bunnies are so cute! The tough thing about bunny care in the winter is hauling out water to them several times a day. The rest of the year we can just fill their bottles from a garden hose. In the winter, we switch to heavy bowls and keep them topped with fresh water. I got some fresh carrot tops from the health food store and the bunns all loved them. Most of my bunnies are very friendly and social and lean their head out of the cages to have foreheads rubbed and ears scratched. Have you ever heard a bunny purr? They make a scratching sound with their front teeth when they are happy and I love hearing it.

Time to sit in front of the TV beside my husband and knit. Stay warm!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chardonay, Satin Angora doe

AngoraEden - a blog about my gorgeous angora bunnies and fiber obsession.

I've decided to join my friends in blogging to share my experiences and love of Angora rabbits.
I have all the different breeds of Angoras: English, Satin, French, Giant, and German. All are pedigreed and many are now registered. Showing rabbits at ARBA shows is a very rewarding experience. Penny, one of my Satin Angora does won Best of Breed at the ARBA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. I've met many wonderful people and made lots of friends at these shows. They are also a great way to learn about rabbit care.

Angora fiber is wonderfully soft and warm. In fact, it is about 8 times warmer than sheep's wool. I spin their wool into yarn and weave it into lovely, warm hats, mittens, scarves, etc. I've also begun felting it.

The name Angora Eden came about from the woods we are fortunate to live in. The trees are old growth hardwood oak, ash, maple, hickory with lots of pines mixed in.